kim: do u believe it or not
kim: yeah what?
jaewon3: i think to a degree they can control their own behavior
jaewon3: but that's like
jaewon3: anybody
kim: you're wrong though
jaewon3: like if u'r sad
kim: you really can't
jaewon3: u can try not to be
kim: no
kim: it's different paul
kim: it's not some mood
kim: that u can snap out of
jaewon3: im not saying u can snap out of
jaewon3: but to say you have no control over it?
kim: when it's more mild, u can
kim: but when it's at its worst
kim: u can't control it
jaewon3: i dont know
jaewon3: i'm sure when it's bad u can't really do nething about it
kim: so you don't believe the severity of pms
jaewon3: are u trying to trick me?
kim: u think girls use it as an excuse to just say and do whatever we want at the time?
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: pms is real?
kim: i would've thought u understood girls and pms
kim: but yesetrday you proved you didn't
kim: so i was just asking
kim: what u thought about what happens during pms
jaewon3: i never suggested for u to control ur behavior
kim: but u should be able to recognize
kim: if i do or say things
kim: that are out of norm
kim: and just be able to dismiss them as my going thru PMS
jaewon3: i dunno
kim: but instead u took it to heart
jaewon3: how can it not affect me though
kim: when i even previously warned u that i was going thru pms
kim: it's not being ME tho
kim: that's not ME
jaewon3: but it still affects me
jaewon3: if u say hurtful things
kim: just disregard it though
jaewon3: even if u are going through PMS
jaewon3: i can't
kim: cuz tha'ts not really being me
jaewon3: cuz u said it..
kim: but paul
jaewon3: i know what u'r saying
kim: that's something i would never REALLY say to you
jaewon3: but u did
kim: u still that what i said is ME though
kim: u don't believe that it's the result of PSM
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: i believe it is a result of PMS
jaewon3: but it doesnt negate the fact that u did say it though
jaewon3: whatever the cause was
jaewon3: even if u were really drunk
jaewon3: it would still be the same
kim: then how can u say it was the truth
jaewon3: because u said it was?
jaewon3: u said at the moment u do mean it
jaewon3: how can i not be hurt
jaewon3: i'm not denying that u'r not ur normal self
jaewon3: but say i was really drunk i said hurtful thigns
jaewon3: can u just dismiss it so easily?
kim: yes because u're not in your real state of mind
jaewon3: are u being honest
jaewon3: if i told u things like i didnt wnat to be with you
jaewon3: and i didnt want to see u
jaewon3: u could really 100% just dismiss it?
jaewon3: kim?
kim: yeah
kim: but being drunk
kim: i dunno
kim: i've never been drunk so i can't really relate to it
kim: but
kim: PMS
kim: it borders on depression
jaewon3: i mean
kim: and u're a psych major
jaewon3: if i wasnt myself
jaewon3: and i said those things
kim: what, is depression a joke too that isn't real?
jaewon3: are u really not affected by it?
kim: but being drunk
kim: isn't that just lowering your inhibitions
jaewon3: im talking about not being urself
jaewon3: not the cause of it
jaewon3: if i wasnt being myself
jaewon3: can u really be unaffected by what i say even if you know that it's not how i really am?
jaewon3: that's all i'm saying
kim: that's the thing tho
kim: do u change inot someone else when u're drunk?
jaewon3: kim
jaewon3: it's not about being drunk or whatever i just used that as an example
jaewon3: im just saying when im not myself and u know that
kim: that means u don't understand
jaewon3: are unaffected
jaewon3: i told u i didnt
jaewon3: u said when u pms u'r not urself
jaewon3: and the things u do may be out of character
kim: hm
kim: paul
kim: i don't know how to explain it to u
kim: girls
kim: we all know
jaewon3: kim
kim: what we're going thru
kim: and talking about
jaewon3: im just saying face value
kim: so if we just mention something
kim: no
kim: can we not talk about it anymore
kim: it's
jaewon3: fine
jaewon3: i told u in th ebeginnign
jaewon3: i didnt know
kim: then why don't u try to research it
kim: and find out about it
jaewon3: research what? pms?
jaewon3: kim
jaewon3: im not that stupid ok
jaewon3: i know u go through pms
kim: but u don't know
jaewon3: and that it's hormonal changes
kim: what i go thru
jaewon3: and it changes u
kim: when i have pms
kim: if u knew
jaewon3: i do
kim: u would realize
jaewon3: somewhat at least
jaewon3: but u'r not getting my point
jaewon3: so just forget it
kim: that it's not something that is controllable
kim: can u please try to research it
jaewon3: i never said it's controllable
jaewon3: or anything like that
jaewon3: ok
jaewon3: that's what u'r thinking what im thinking
jaewon3: but it's not
jaewon3: i never said it was controllable or what u do or say when u pms is your own
kim: if you ACCEPT that
jaewon3: what i said was how can i not be unaffected by what you said
jaewon3: even if i know it's not urself
jaewon3: and i tried giving u an example
jaewon3: of how i can be lik ethat
kim: then u're not accepting what u said before
jaewon3: just
jaewon3: forget it
kim: PMS isn't anything that you can relate to like tha tpaul
jaewon3: u'r really not understanding me
jaewon3: i'm not
jaewon3: trying to relate it
jaewon3: im trying to
jaewon3: give u an exmaple
jaewon3: of how
kim: paul
jaewon3: i was affected by what u said
jaewon3: ok
kim: it's different
kim: when u say that
kim: but
jaewon3: im not relating drinking and pms in anyway
kim: when my gfs
kim: are pmsing
kim: and they say mean or hurtful things to me or anyone
kim: we know she's pmsing
kim: and just let it go
jaewon3: well it still hurts
kim: we don't take it to heart
kim: no
kim: because we know it's pms
jaewon3: cuz it's coming from u
kim: not her
jaewon3: well i'm sorry
kim: and that's the fact u're not getting
jaewon3: i'm still affected by what u say
jaewon3: even if u were really drunk
jaewon3: or pmsing
jaewon3: or whatever
jaewon3: state that u are in
jaewon3: that is what i was trying to tell u
jaewon3: but u'r not getting it
jaewon3: that it's still hurtful to me
kim: and to be affected by what i say when i'm pmsing, means u don't understand pms
jaewon3: no
kim: that's what YOu'RE not getting
jaewon3: fine
jaewon3: just drop it ok
kim: well
kim: we're going to deal with this
kim: every month
jaewon3: well i just wont take what u say
kim: and if u can't undrestand or accept
jaewon3: ill just disregard everything
kim: ok
kim: real mature
jaewon3: omg
jaewon3: that's what u said
jaewon3: not to take it to heart
jaewon3: and im saying that's what ill do
kim: no
kim: this is just
kim: u saying this
jaewon3: no
kim: to get this topic over with
jaewon3: i'm saying that's what ill do
jaewon3: what do u want me to do
kim: can't u tell paul?
kim: when i'm saying somethign that's totally uncharacteristic of me
jaewon3: I KNOW
jaewon3: it's not YOU
jaewon3: but it still hurts ME
jaewon3: cuz u still said it
jaewon3: are u not getting my point here
kim: are u not gettign MINE?
jaewon3: yes i entirely totally get urs
jaewon3: that it's the pms
jaewon3: not you
kim: then it's not eve me saying it
jaewon3: can u see from my point of view
jaewon3: that if someone i love
kim: but u're still characterising it to ME as the one saying it
jaewon3: says those things
jaewon3: it still hurtful
jaewon3: even if it's from pms
kim: thanks
jaewon3: look kim
jaewon3: i really do
jaewon3: understand what u are saying
jaewon3: about when you are going through pms
jaewon3: i realy do
jaewon3: dont think i dont
kim: but paul, the things that u say right now
jaewon3: no
kim: make me believe that u don't
jaewon3: kim
jaewon3: i really do
jaewon3: understand
jaewon3: that u are going through a lot of emotions
jaewon3: and that
jaewon3: u can be crying
jaewon3: and laughing
jaewon3: the next second
jaewon3: and how hard it can be
jaewon3: so dont tell me
jaewon3: to go researching it
kim: did u look it up
jaewon3: like i have no clue
jaewon3: i really do understand
kim: that's only
kim: ONE thing
kim: u're talking about
jaewon3: yeah
kim: did u look it up
jaewon3: well im talking about the emotional aspect
kim: what
kim: are u offended?
kim: that i asked u to research it?
jaewon3: yes i am
jaewon3: because
kim: paul
kim: that just shows
kim: that u don't really understand how complex pms is
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: cuz it feels like u'r talkign down to me
kim: I'M NOT!!!!
jaewon3: i did look it up
jaewon3: fyi
kim: girls look it up ALL the time
kim: cuz we're so freaking crazy that we can't stand it when we have pms
jaewon3: look
kim: so we look it up too
jaewon3: can we just drop it for now
jaewon3: and tlak about it later
kim: no
kim: i don't want to
kim: i don't udnersatnd why u're offended
jaewon3: well u'r not gonna listen to me
jaewon3: so how can i talk tou
kim: if u don't understand something, what's wrong with trying to find out more about it
kim: well u're not listening to me either
kim: u're just being offended
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: i totally am listening
jaewon3: i am offended buti still looked it up didnt i?
kim: just one site
kim: right?
kim: and u just skimmed thru it
kim: and when u saw somethign u knew
jaewon3: um yeah i read it
jaewon3: ok
kim: u say "yeah see i knew that"
jaewon3: i really
jaewon3: cant talk to u right now
jaewon3: stop
jaewon3: conjuring things in ur own head
jaewon3: to make urself right
kim: i'm not
jaewon3: u told me to look it up
jaewon3: and that's what i did
jaewon3: yes you are
kim: no. i'm not.
jaewon3: i did what u asked me to
kim: but how could u be offended
kim: that i asked u to
jaewon3: because
jaewon3: you are talking like
jaewon3: im an idiot and i have no clue
kim: and when u're upset or offended, u're not going to retain or accept anything u do or read at that time
kim: because u're thinking u already know and u're right
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: maybe that's how u react
jaewon3: but i looked it up like u asked
jaewon3: and read about it
kim: i don't think u really DO know pms is like though
kim: guys attribute like
jaewon3: you're trying to win an argument i'm just trying to tell u how i felt
kim: broad characterisitcis to it
jaewon3: no and like i told u in the beginning i dont know and i probably will never cuz i dont go through it
jaewon3: so yeah i can read about it
jaewon3: and try to know what it is
kim: did u go to that site
kim: if u googled PMS
kim: that's the second entry there
kim: did u go to it?
kim: u stopped at the first one, right?
jaewon3: what's ur problem
jaewon3: u asked me to look it up
jaewon3: and that's what i did
kim: yeah
kim: but how thoroughly did u do it?
kim: did u look it up
jaewon3: u know what kim
kim: just beacuse i told u to
jaewon3: im gonna contribute
kim: or because u actually want to know
jaewon3: this to ur on going pms
jaewon3: cuz
jaewon3: im running out of patience
kim: and u're being narrowminded
kim: thinking u already know
kim: when u already agreed that u in fact don't know
jaewon3: ok
kim: since u don't go thru it
kim: then why shoudln't u try to find out more aboout it
kim: if it's something that someone u love is so heaviliy affected by
kim: and in return you're affected by
kim: i.e. yeseterday
kim: i'm just asking
kim: did u go thru anymore sites
kim: or did u just look at the first one
kim: and stop
jaewon3: u'r right
jaewon3: i only went through a couple
kim: paul
kim: i just want u to really understand
kim: because
kim: from my past
kim: i know
kim: how bad PMS is for myself personally
kim: and if u can't handle it.. it's going to cause a lot of painfor both of us
kim: and u're going to run out of patience really quickly
kim: and i don't want u to just buhryuh me because i have pms one day
kim: that's why i really want u to understand it as MUCH as u can and try to accept it
kim: but even now, u're getting all mad and impatient when i'm trying to show you what this is like
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: u are talking down to me
jaewon3: that is what im getting mad and impatient about
kim: i'm not trying to, paul
jaewon3: dont say you're not
kim: but u're
jaewon3: because that's what im feeling here
kim: not accepting anything i have to say
jaewon3: i accepted everything u said
jaewon3: u havent heard one thing i said though
kim: yes i have
kim: but u're trivializing what i'm going thru
kim: and that makes me angry
jaewon3: how am i trivializing??
jaewon3: can u explain
jaewon3: what i said
jaewon3: in u rown words
kim: jaewon3: im not saying u can snap out of
jaewon3: but to say you have no control over it?
jaewon3: um
kim: ur'e saying no matter what i say that it's pms and u know that it's pms, the fact that i say hurtful things is going to affect you
jaewon3: u said u have control over it when it's mild
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: jaewon3: i think to a degree they can control their own behavior
jaewon3: i never said
jaewon3: that u can control urself
jaewon3: if
jaewon3: you really have no control over it
jaewon3: i feel like
jaewon3: even when i have
jaewon3: absolutely no control over myself
jaewon3: i still try to watch myself
jaewon3: not that it's the same with you
jaewon3: but that's how i'm trying to relate it
jaewon3: like when i totally really have no control over myself
jaewon3: cuz that's the only way i can understand what you are trying to say
jaewon3: when u have full blown pms
jaewon3: and what u say is not ur own words
jaewon3: i dunno how else to relate to it
kim: you can't relate to it
kim: that's what i'm trying to explain to u
kim: and that's why you're not understanding it, paul
jaewon3: ok so then how do u expect me to understand by reading some websites
kim: you can't ever something just as it is
kim: u have to be able to relate to it, in order to accept it as truth?
jaewon3: huh?
jaewon3: no
jaewon3: i try to relate to it so i can understand what u are going through
kim: that's what u just said
kim: what's the point of reading the websites
kim: if u can't relate to it
jaewon3: no that's not what i said
jaewon3: what i said
jaewon3: how can i understand what u are going through
jaewon3: by reading a website
jaewon3: even if it talks about
jaewon3: what u are going through
jaewon3: i ahve to understand what those things are
jaewon3: to understand what u'r really going through
jaewon3: but how cna i understand what those things are if i cant relate to it?
kim: paul
kim: forget it ok?
kim: u don't get it
kim: u don't get me
kim: i don't know what to say
kim: just leave me alone
kim signed off at 12:03:59 PM.
i guess i really dont understand PMS. will i ever? probably not. sorry
i am sooooooooo lost